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2024 Council Nominations

St. Catherine of Siena Parish is seeking nominations for members on each of our three primary advisory councils (described below). Nominations should be entered by April 21, 2024.


  • Terms last 3 years and begin July 2024

  • Each council is organized by a chairperson

  • Meetings are typically held the same day each month

  • Members are expected to be active parishioners who can act both as a voice for fellow parishioners and a sounding board for the pastor

  • You may nominate yourself or another parishioner


Parish Pastoral Council – This council serves as the vehicle for achieving full parish participation in planning and monitoring pastoral activity in the parish.  It is a consultative and advisory body to the pastor and is governed by the directives established by the bishop of the diocese.  It is the body which makes final decisions concerning the parish, subject to the approval of the pastor.  The council is composed of up to 9 parishioners plus the pastor.  Members represent the entire parish population rather than distinct groups within the parish.  For purpose of communication and information, members of the pastoral council are appointed on a rotating basis to attend the meetings of all the other major parish organizations. 


Finance Council – The parish finance council assists the pastor in planning, providing for and supervising the parish resources, budget and plant maintenance.  The council develops the budget together with the pastor for approval by the Parish Pastoral Council.  It reviews, approves, and signs the annual financial report of the parish.  Consent of this council is required before an amount in excess of $5,000 is spent on unbudgeted items. Recommendations of this council are regulated by Church Law, by decisions and norms of the Bishop and the Diocesan Finance Council.


Board of Total Catholic Education – This board promotes, recommends, and evaluates parish education programs for the school age children of the parish.  Its purpose is to assist individuals and families to attain a level of maturity in their spiritual formation.  The board addresses educational growth of the total parish community young persons and children and shares with the pastor and parish council the responsibility of the educational ministry, implementing prescribed goals and policies.  The board must ensure that its policies follow the intent and spirit of those of the Diocese.

Nominated for:
Thank you for submitting your nomination!

Parish News


Church Phone - 859-441-1352
School Phone - 859-572-2680


1803 N Ft Thomas Ave

Fort Thomas, KY 41075 

Parish Office Hours:

       Mon - Fri 9am -3pm


School Office:

7:30am - 3:30 pm, Mon - Fri

during the school year



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