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Kenosis is NOT a Typical "Youth Group". It's Discipleship.

MISSION: The mission of Kenosis is to form and educate young people with the transforming power of Jesus Christ, through the teachings of Sacred Scripture, Theology of the Body & more! Kenosis forms and educates young Catholic leaders into missionary disciples, following the example of the Good Shepherd, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.


MEANING: Kenosis is the Ancient Greek word κένωσις for "self-emptying", which is the word that St. Paul uses in his epistle to the Phillippians when he says, "[Jesus Christ] emptied himself" in Phil 2:7, in order to "be born in the likeness of men." Jahn Paul II relates "kenosis" to "self-gift", calling to recognize our dignity as gifts from God and in turn to love as Christ loves.


VISION: Kenosis is an outreach ministry to youth wherein evangelized and catechized

young people can meet their peers where they are and invite them into a growing

relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church.


STRUCTURE: There will be bi-weekly (every other week) gatherings at St. Catherine, running

from late August/early September to early May (see calendar below). At these gatherings

there will be a focus on discipleship formation, learning to disciple others, and integrating

a biblical worldview of the human person into daily life.


CONTENTS & FORMATION PROGRAMKenosis formation consists of nothing less than

putting adolenscents "not only in touch but in communion, in intimacy with Jesus Christ:

only he can lead us to the love of the Father in the Spirit and make us share in the life of

the Holy Trinity" (Catechesis Trandendea, 5). We seek to insert students into the life of

Christ through: 

- A deeper understanding of Sacred Scripture

- St. John Paul II's Catechesis on the Human Person and Human Love in the Divine Plan

(Theology of the Body)

- Evangelization training through personal discipleship

- Spiritual Formation in the Catholic Tradition


WHO: Kenosis is open to any jr. high student who is earnestly desiring to grow deeper in their faith, possesses openness to the Holy Spirit, and desires to use his/her gifts to evangelize peers.


QUESTIONS: Please contact John David Kimes, our Coordinator of Religious Education, at

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”Discovering Christ, always again and always more fully, is the most wonderful adventure of our life.”


~ Pope John Paul II ~


Church Phone - 859-441-1352
School Phone - 859-572-2680


1803 N Ft Thomas Ave

Fort Thomas, KY 41075 

Parish Office Hours:

       Mon - Fri 9am -3pm


School Office:

7:30am - 3:30 pm, Mon - Fri

during the school year



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