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A note from the principal

This time of the year becomes very busy for most of us. There are definitely many balls that each of us juggles. Even though we have a lot going on, the busy activities do not take away from the one reason that we are a school. It is important to remember that we exist because of a mission to bring God into the lives of children and their families. We do this in many ways and especially throughout Lent. We pray together often as a school (Rosary, Stations of the Cross, and Divine Mercy Chaplet) and in other faith-filled opportunities. We do this through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. We do this by celebrating the sacraments. We do this by teaching and learning the teachings of the Catholic Church. We do this by passing on the fact that God loves us and loves our neighbor just as much. God is the one and only reason why we have a Catholic school and God definitely wants St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School to be here. I want to thank all of the parents who have volunteered and supported St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School this year and in the past. I want to encourage all parents to participate in the life of our school and parish community. There are opportunities to help and become involved in the life and spirit of our school community. Spring is a good time to reflect on the past and look forward to the future. With your help, our future can be bright and promising.

Last spirit wear of the year!

Vennefron has opened up our online spirit shop for one final time this school year. Use the link below for all of your school and spirit wear needs. The shop closes at midnight on March 30. Please reach out to Amy Muench ( with any questions.

order easter treats from busken's

Let Busken do the baking for you this Easter and support our school PTO!  

All orders must be submitted and paid for by 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 1st.  Pick up will be held on Wednesday, April 16th from 2:00 – 3:00 in the lower parking lot.   Payment can be made via cash/check to St. Catherine of Siena or VENMO @amanda-pompilio-1.   If you have any questions, contact Amanda Pompilio or 571-337-7122. Order online by clicking HERE or you can complete the attached order form and pay by check. Order forms can be turned into the parish or school office.  Thank you for your support!

April lunch menu

Click below to see the April menu!

Parish Campout

Please see the attached flyer regarding the 19th Annual St. Catherine Parish Campout, sponsored by the Catholic Order of Foresters, which will be happening June 27-29, 2025 at the Kentucky Horse Park.  We hope you can join us!

Fish Fry Volunteer link

Here is the link to sign up to help with the Fish Fry!  This is a great opportunity for Jr. High students that need service hours!

Fish Fry bake sale

This school community is amazing!  THANK YOU for all of the signups we have had so far for the bake sale.  If you have signed up, please remember to mark it on your calendar; if you haven't already done so, please click the link and feel free to help out, we still need some desserts for the later weeks. 


REMINDER - service hours are available for kids grade 5-8 and PLEASE tell your friends, families, neighbors, etc. to come to the St Catherine Fish Fry, especially the weeks of 3/21, 3/28, 4/4, and 4/11 to support our school and parish community.  We want to show our community how great our school is. Go COLTS!  

youth summer camp June 22-27 

TOTUS TUUS (Totally Yours), a parish mission for youth, is coming to our parish the week of June 22-27.

Students going into grades 1 – 6 next fall are invited to participate in the Children’s Program Monday – Friday from 9:00 to 2:30 each day for catechesis, games, Mass, songs, Reconciliation, and a chance to build a stronger relationship with Christ. Teens entering grades 7 - 12 are invited to come to a Teen Program each evening, Sunday through Thursday from 7:00 to 9:00.  The mission is led by a team of young adults who are on fire for our faith and share that faith with the whole parish throughout their time with us for TOTUS TUUS. The theme for this year’s catechesis is the Sacraments and Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.  A variety of volunteer roles for youth and adults are available, too (i.e. chaperones, providing a meal for the missionaries, etc.). TOTUS TUUS combines catechesis and having FUN! We hope to see you and your family there this summer! To register or to volunteer, click the link below. For more information about TOTUS TUUS, please contact John David Kimes in the parish office or email

easter egg hunt

There will be an Easter Egg Hunt hosted by the Barrington and Highlandsprings on April 12th at 11:00!  The Easter Bunny will be there, along with a balloon artist, face painting and golden tickets! Click below to see all of the details! 

river city youth football & Cheer

Attention! Calling all current & future Ducks! The annual sign up for River City Youth Football and Cheer is SAT, 3/29/25 from 11:00 - 1:00 and again 4/26/29.  See the attached flyer below for all details!

2025-2026 Calendar

Here is the link to next year's school calendar!

What's next?

Passion Play: 4/16

No school: 4/17 & 4/18

Spring Break: 4/21 - 4/25

Grandparent's Day/Walk-a-Thon: 5/2​

NCC News

Click below to see all of the events taking place at NCC!

power of prayer

We are starting a new prayer initiative for the remainder of the school year. If you have a special intention that you would like our students to pray for, please click on the link below to add your intention. As a school we will be praying for all of the special intentions we receive throughout the week.


There is also a link at the top right of the school webpage that you can use as well to enter a prayer intention.

Yearbooks for sale

We have been given a link to order yearbooks!  Do it NOW so that you can just check it off of your list and not owrry about it anymore!


Yearbooks are super cute and are only $15.00.  Prices will go up, so do it now!!

Kids Caught in Kindness

Kids Caught in Kindness is a new initiative started by a Fort Thomas Coffee employee who witnessed three kids go out of their way to support another student who was experiencing a hard moment.  At FTC we believe in the importance of recognizing those moments and the kids involved in order to support and encourage more opportunities of kindness.  


There is a lot of attention drawn to the negative behavior and choices of the youth.  Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”  As community members we can be the change by looking for kindness and calling it out.  We can also encourage our younger members to “be the change” when we see them acting in kindness and positively reinforcing it.  


FTC has created a “button” which individuals can use to donate into the fund.  Gift cards will be purchased (through the fund) and given to the schools to hand out to nominated kids (as supplies allow). 


Kids can be nominated by anyone in the community, either a teacher, a business owner, another parent, or a community member.  The school that the child attends would deliver the gift card to the child as well as communicate to their parents or guardians that this child was “Caught In Kindness.”

Yearbook photos needed!!

As you know our school yearbook is already available to purchase! 


For the yearbook to be a great success with lots of different activities and students in it, we NEED your photos!  To get to those to us, follow these four steps:

1) Go to this site:  (this is specific to our yearbook)

2) Choose one of the preset categories in the drop down menu (ex: sports).

3) Choose "upload your files'' (for PC, phone, tablet storage) or Google Drive or Instagram.

3) Choose your photos and click "start upload."

4) Once you get the message that your uploads are complete.  You are set!


This is the BEST and EASIEST way for you to share and us to receive pictures for the yearbook. Please consider saving or bookmarking the link for easy adding of photos after an event


Please take a few minutes to go in and add events for this year so far:

first day of school, soccer, cross country, field trips, class days, assemblies, volleyball, etc... We need those pictures!


If you have any questions or concerns, please email Joliene Garlich at

Board of Education minutes

Please click on the link below to see the approved minutes from the March meeting.


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Church Phone - 859-441-1352
School Phone - 859-572-2680


1803 N Ft Thomas Ave

Fort Thomas, KY 41075 

Parish Office Hours:

       Mon - Fri 9am -3pm


School Office:

7:30am - 3:30 pm, Mon - Fri

during the school year



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