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A note from the principal

My sister shared this with me after having a talk about what kind of world our grandkids would grow up in. I wanted to share it with you...

Raise Them Up!

Don’t feel sorry for or fear for your kids/grandkids because the world they are going to grow up in is not what it used to be. God created them and called them for the exact moment in time that they’re in. Their life wasn’t a coincidence or an accident. Raise them up to know the power they walk in as children of God. Train them up in the authority of His Word. Teach them to walk in faith knowing that God is in control. Empower them to know they can change the world. Don’t teach them to be fearful and disheartened by the state of the world but hopeful that they can do something about it. Every person in all of history has been placed in the time that they were in because of God’s sovereign plan. He knew Daniel could handle the lion’s den. He knew David could handle Goliath. He knew Esther could handle Haman. He knew Peter could handle persecution. He knows that your child can handle whatever challenge they face in their life. He created them specifically for it! Don’t be scared for your children, but be honored that God chose YOU to parent the generation that is facing the biggest challenges of our lifetime. Rise up to the challenge. Raise Daniels, Davids, Esthers and Peters! God isn’t scratching His head wondering what He’s going to do with this mess of a world. He has an army He’s raising up to drive back the darkness and makes Him known all over the earth. Don’t let your fear steal the greatness God placed in them. I know it’s hard to imagine them as anything besides our sweet little babies, and we just want to protect them from anything that could ever be hard on them, but they were born for such a time as this.

~ Unknown

picture day is coming

Picture Day will be on Tuesday, 9/17!  Children can be out of uniform that day and dress their best for their picture!


Paper forms will come home closer to the day, but you should also become a subscriber online this year by clicking the link below. This will allow you to receive emails and notifications about ordering etc.

Sports sign up!!

Please fill out the following online form for each of your children, indicating what sports they wish to participate in for the 2024/2025 year.  This information is important for team planning and could jeopardize your child's spot on a team if not filled out. Please fill it out no later than next Friday, 9/20.

If you have questions please contact Pat Desmond,

Cafeteria News

GREAT NEWS - we have an interim cafeteria manager hired through early to mid October.  We will not need to pack any lunches next week!

The Diocese is still searching for a permanent replacement, if you know of someone that may be interested please have them contact Laura Hatfield at

power of prayer

We are starting a new prayer initiative for the remainder of the school year. If you have a special intention that you would like our students to pray for, please click on the link below to add your intention. As a school we will be praying for all of the special intentions we receive throughout the week.


There is also a link at the top right of the school webpage that you can use as well to enter a prayer intention.

$5.00 book fair

We will be holding a  $5.00 book fair on ​Wednesday, Sept. 18th. 

We will send the envelopes for the book fair money home on Monday, Sept. 16th.

Click the link below for more information!

Colts fun run

Our Wellness Team is organizing two fun after school events at Rossford Park!

The Colt Fun Run is a great opportunity for students to put down devices and get some fresh air.


5-8 will run on September 23rd and K-4 will run on September 25th. Both begin at 3:15 and end at 4:15. PTO will be providing a treat for the runners.


Click here to sign up to run! We are looking forward to it! COLT'S FUN RUN


For more information see the flier below!

Curriculum Night

Mark your calendar! We will be having our back to school curriculum night on Thursday 9/26.  This is a chance to talk with your child's teacher and learn about classroom routines and expectations.

We will have 3 sessions available for those families that have more than one child to meet all of the teachers.

Session 1 - 6:30
Session 2 - 7:00
Session 3 - 7:30


library tips

We are really working hard to teach our children responsibility when it comes to our library books.  Children need to return their books each and every week if they would like to borrow something new!  Here are a few tips to help children be responsible with their books and not misplace them.


     - Find a special spot at home to keep Library books (i.e. shelf, table, backpack)

     - Every time you're finished reading your library book put it back in that spot.

     - Keep library  books away from small children and pets.

     - Don't put your library book in your backpack with a water bottle or opened food.

     - Put a post it note on your fridge or on the door you exit to come to school stating Library books are due on (your child's               Library day)

Feeding God's children

Each month we will be collecting a different food item that will be delivered to the Saint Bernard Food Pantry. We will be asking that the children wear their Feeding God’s Children shirts (which will come home soon) on every FGC day, as well as bring in an item or two that we will donate. The list for the year is attached below in case you want to add these items to your grocery lists!


This is also a great time for children in grades 5-8 to earn a service hour.  Each month we will need a family to load up the items and deliver them to the pantry! What a great way for your child to get some community service hours!  Please email Kelly Lorenz ( if you and your child are interested in helping for one of the months. Volunteers will be taken in order of reply!  There are only 8 opportunities, so email now if you would like a month!


Our first FGC day will be on 9/27

We need you!

By now, we hope you’ve heard about our new parish initiative called Igniting our Community of Faith (also known as “Ignite”). The priorities for this initiative are to: 


1. Strengthen our existing parish community 

2. Grow our parish community

3. Improve our youth and young adult engagement

Each priority will be managed by a team of parishioners. We are grateful to Karen Little, Pete Djordjevic, and Nathan Holbrook for stepping up to lead each team, but we are looking for more help! 

Please join us Monday, September 16 at 7pm in McCrystal Hall as we formally kick off the Ignite program. Each priority leader will give a short description of their assigned priority and related goals. Whether you’re new to the parish or have been around for years, this is your chance to hear about the great things happening and volunteer to be a part of it! If you don’t know anyone going, invite a friend! Drinks and light snacks will be provided.

What's next?

Tuesday 9/17: Picture Day

Wed 9/18: $5 Book Fair

Mon & Wed 9/23 & 25: Colts Fun Run

Wed 9/25: Dine to Donate LaRosa's 

Thurs 9/26: Curriculum Night

Fri 10/4: Pet Blessing

Wed 10/9: Walk to School Day

NCC - Boys basketball clinics

Click below to see the list of Boys Basketball Clinics held at NCC.  Click the link for more information and to reserve your spot!

NCC -Grade school night Girls Volleyball

Click below to see a flyer for Grade School Night at the girls volleyball games on 9/19!  Use the flyer for free admission and a free item at the concession stand for grade school students!

NCC - Grade School Night girls soccer

Click below for more information about Grade School Night for Lady Breds Soccer on September 30th at 6:00!

yes on 2

Please click below to learn more about issue 2 that will be on the ballot this election day!

Campbell County Public Library

Please click the link below to learn about all of the fun things the library has to offer to children of all ages this September!

NKU - Hoops & Scoops

Hoops & Scoops – a preseason event featuring FREE ICE CREAM (while supplies last), games and entertainment on the concourse, and meet-and-greets with the Norse basketball teams. Kids in attendance will be able to get autographs from all their favorite players as well. It’s going to be a great night!

Our players and coaches are so EXCITED, and we would love to welcome as many as we can for this COMPLETELY FREE event.

Kids Caught in Kindness

Kids Caught in Kindness is a new initiative started by a Fort Thomas Coffee employee who witnessed three kids go out of their way to support another student who was experiencing a hard moment.  At FTC we believe in the importance of recognizing those moments and the kids involved in order to support and encourage more opportunities of kindness.  


There is a lot of attention drawn to the negative behavior and choices of the youth.  Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”  As community members we can be the change by looking for kindness and calling it out.  We can also encourage our younger members to “be the change” when we see them acting in kindness and positively reinforcing it.  


FTC has created a “button” which individuals can use to donate into the fund.  Gift cards will be purchased (through the fund) and given to the schools to hand out to nominated kids (as supplies allow). 


Kids can be nominated by anyone in the community, either a teacher, a business owner, another parent, or a community member.  The school that the child attends would deliver the gift card to the child as well as communicate to their parents or guardians that this child was “Caught In Kindness.”

Board of Education minutes

Please click on the link below to see the approved minutes from the May meeting.


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