Dear Fellow Parishioners,
In 2023, our church responded to feedback received during the previous open-house forum. Acting upon that information we hired a new music director who has restored organ music and strengthened our choirs. Additionally, and after prayerful discernment, youth religious education was revamped by adding a Coordinator of Religious Education. Some of the fruit of that investment is the addition of our "Kenosis" middle school youth group and "Loreto", a full-family approach to catechesis.
Our parish also had over 50% response rate to the With One Heart survey in 2023. We are currently reviewing the results and will be establishing parish priorities, goals, and actions that will help strengthen the parish community even more. We are excited to get the parish fully engaged as there are so many opportunities for us all to take a little ownership of parish life at St. Catherine.
Another anticipated item is our completely new sound system scheduled for completion this December. We are excited about how much better everything should sound. In addition to new high-quality audio for the congregation, quality audio shall be provided at the cry room and also in the entry vestibule. Note, the new sound system was purchased with the use of dedicated funds.
Our parish is going through changes, some challenging, while others we can find inspiration in. Our two appointments have been wonderfully received and have brought tremendous value to our faith experience. In bringing these critical positions on, additional costs are being incurred. Their value speaks for themselves and we know that our parish can come together, step up, and reach not only out, but a little deeper to help offset these expenses.
Peace and blessings,
Your Parish Pastoral and Finance Councils
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On behalf of Parish Pastoral Council, Finance Council, and Father Stef, thank you for committing your gifts to the parish!